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There are three components in the JEE Mains syllabus: physics, chemistry, and mathematics. The JEE Main Syllabus for 2024 was made public by the NTA, who also eliminated a few sections. View the detailed, topic-by-topic JEE Main 2025 curriculum that has been removed below.
JEE Main 2025: Exam Date
The JEE Main 2025 exam date will be declared tentatively in the month of November 2024. The JEE Main 2025 Exam will be held in two sessions. Session 1 will be held in January 2025, and Session 2 in April 2025. Check below for the tentative JEE Main 2025 exam date.
Events | Dates (tentative) |
JEE Main Registration begin | November 2024 |
JEE Main Last date to apply | December 2024 |
JEE Main Admit Card release date | 3 days before the exam |
JEE Main 2025 Exam Date | January 2025 and April 2025 |
JEE Main 2025 result declaration date | One week after the exam |
JEE Main 2025 syllbus
There will be three courses offered in the JEE Main 2025 exam: Paper 1 for BE/BTech, Paper 2A for BArch, and Paper 2B for BPlan. Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics from Classes 11 and 12 are covered in the JEE Main 2025 Syllabus for Paper 1. subjects in Mathematics, General Aptitude, and Drawing are covered in Paper 2A Architecture (BArch), whereas subjects in Mathematics, General Aptitude, and Planning are covered in Paper 2B (BPlan).
JEE Main 2025 Physics Syllabus
Scroll down for a detailed JEE Main 2025 topic-wise physics syllabus.
Units | Topics |
Unit 1: Physics and Measurement | Technology, physics, and society S I Units, least count, basic and derived units, measuring device accuracy and precision, Measurement errors, physics quantity dimensions, dimensional analysis, and its uses. |
Unit 2: Kinematics | The reference frame, straight-line motion, Motion that is uniformly accelerated, velocity-time, position-time graph, relations for uniformly accelerated motion, average speed and instantaneous velocity, and position-time graph Vectors and Scalars, Vector. Zero vector, scalar and vector products, addition and subtraction, unit vector, and vector resolution. Motion in a plane, projectile motion, uniform circular motion, and relative velocity. |
Unit 3: Laws of Motion | Newton's First Law of Motion is force and inertia; his Second Law of Motion is momentum; and his Third Law of Motion is impulses. The linear momentum conservation law and its uses. equilibrium between opposing forces. Friction laws, rolling friction, static and kinetic friction. Dynamics of uniform circular motion: centripetal force and its uses. |
Unit 4: Work, Energy and Power | Work performed by a variable and content force; power; kinetic and potential energies; work-energy theorem. The spring's potential energy, conservative and neoconservative forces, and mechanical energy conservation; Collisions in one and two dimensions: elastic and inelastic. |
Unit 5: Rotational Motion | center of mass of a stiff body, center of mass of a two-particle system; Fundamental ideas of rotational motion: torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum and its applications, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, and moment of force. Moments of inertia values for basic geometric objects, theorems concerning parallel and perpendicular axes, and their uses. Equations of rotational motion for rigid bodies. |
Unit 6: Gravitation | gravitational law universal. acceleration brought on by gravity, which varies with depth and altitude. The planetary motion law of Kepler. Energy associated with gravity potential; gravitational potential. Escape velocity is the satellite's orbital velocity. satellites that are geostationary. |
Unit 7: Properties of Solids and Liquids | Adaptive behavior, link between stress and strain, The Hookean Law. Bulk modulus, stiffness modulus, and Young's modulus. Pascal's law: pressure resulting from a fluid column and its applications. viscosity. Stokes' law. turbulent flow, streamline, and terminal velocity. Reynolds figure. The principle of Bernoulli and its uses. Surface tension and energy, contact angle, surface tension application—drops, bubbles, and capillary rise—are all considered. Heat, temperature, thermal expansion; calorimetry; change of state; specific heat capacity; latent heat. radiation, convection, and conduction of heat. The cooling law of Newton. |
Unit 8: Thermodynamics | Temperature, thermal equilibrium, and the zeroth law of thermodynamics. warmth, labor, and innate energy. the thermodynamics first law. The reversible and irreversible processes covered by the second law of thermodynamics. The efficiency of the Carnot engine. |
Unit 9: Kinetic Theory of Gases | Work done on compressing a gas, the equation of state of a perfect gas, The notion of pressure and assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases. Temperature and kinetic energy: Degrees of freedom for the RMS speed of gas molecules. Mean free path; applicability to specific heat capacities of gases; law of equipartition of energy. The number of Avogadro. |
Unit 10: Oscillation and Waves | Period, frequency, and displacement as a function of time define periodic motion. periodic activities. Energy in simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) – Kinetic and potential energies; phase: oscillations of a spring -restoring force and force constant; Derivation of phrase for the time period of a simple pendulum: Resonance, forced, damped, and free oscillations. motion of waves. Wave speed, both transverse and longitudinal. Relation of displacement for a wave that is progressive. Wave superposition principle and wave reflection. Standing waves in harmonics, fundamental mode, and organ pipes. Beats. Doppler Sound effect |
Unit 11: Electrostatics |
Charge conservation applies to electric charges. Forces between two point charges are defined by Coulomb's law; forces between many charges are defined by the superposition principle and continuous charge distribution. Point charges produce an electric field, as do electric field lines. Electric dipole: A dipole that produces an electric field. torque in a consistent electric field applied to a dipole. |
Unit 12: Current Electricity | electrical flow. drift speed. Ohm's law. resistance to electricity. various materials' resistances. Ohmic and non-ohmic conductors' V-l properties. Power and electrical energy. resistance to electricity. Resistor color coding; resistor combinations in series and parallel; resistance's temperature dependence. Electricity Source and its A mixture of series and parallel cells, internal resistance, potential difference, and emf of a cell. Kirchhoff's laws and how they are used. Wheatstone Bridge. Metre Bridge. The principle and applications of the potentiometer. |
Unit 13: Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism |
The current-carrying circular loop and the application of Biot-Savart law. Ampere's law and its applicability to infinitely long current carrying straight wire and solenoid. force in uniform electric and magnetic fields applied to a moving charge. cyclotron. |
Unit 14: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current | Faraday's law: electromagnetic induction. Lenz's Law, induced emf, and current: Eddy currents. Both mutual and self-inductance. Voltage fluctuations, their peak and RMS values, and alternating currents: Impedance and reactance: Series circuit of LCRs, resonance: Wattless current, power in AC circuits, and quality factor. Transformer and AC generator. |
Unit 15: Electromagnetic Waves | The properties of electromagnetic waves, Because electromagnetic waves are transverse, electromagnetic spectrum, which includes visible, ultraviolet, infrared, microwave, and radio waves. radiography. gamma radiation), Uses for electromagnetic waves. |
Unit 16: Optics | The mirror formula for light reflection and refraction on spherical and planar surfaces. Wholehearted introspection and its uses. Lens Formula: Deviation and Dispersion of Light by a Prism. Enlargement. The Strength of a Lens. combination of interconnected tiny lenses. The magnification abilities of an astronomical telescope and a microscope, both of which reflect and refractive. Huygens' principle and wave optics wavefront. Huygens' principle applied to the laws of reflection and refraction. Young's double-slit experiment, fringe width, coherent sources, and continuous light interference are all examples of interference. Diffraction from a single slit, maximal width in the center. astronomy telescopes' and microscopes' resolution. Brewster's law, polarization, plane-polarized light applications, and Polaroid. |
Unit 17: Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation | Radiation has a dual nature. impact of photoelectric light. The observations of Hertz and Lenard; Einstein's photoelectric equation: light is a particle. The de Broglie relation and the wave nature of particles in matter. The Davisson-Germer test. |
Unit 18: Atoms and Nuclei | hydrogen spectrum, Bohr model, energy levels, Rutherford's model of the atom, and the alpha particle scattering experiment. Atomic masses, isotope composition and size, isobars, and isotones. Radioactivity: the properties of alpha, beta, and gamma particles and rays; the rule of radioactive decay. Nuclear fission, fusion, binding energy per nucleon and its fluctuation with mass number, mass-energy relation, and mass defect. |
Unit 19: Electronic Devices | Semiconductors; semiconductor diodes; diode as rectifier; LED I-V characteristics; 1-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias. the solar cell, photodiode, and Zener diode; the last serving as a voltage regulator. Junction transistor, transistor operation, and transistor properties: transistor as oscillator and amplifier (common emitter configuration). Logic gates include NAND, NOR, AND, AND, and NOT. A transistor used as a toggle. |
JEE Main 2025 Chemistry Syllabus
The JEE Main 2025 Syllabus is divided into three sections: Section A – Physical Chemistry, Section B- Inorganic Chemistry and Section C- Organic Chemistry. Check below the topic-wise JEE Main Syllabus 2025 for Chemistry. The topics are from the class 11 and 12 syllabus.
Units | Topics |
Unit 1: Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry | Dalton's atomic theory of matter and its nature: Concept of atom, molecule, element, and compound: Chemistry's measurements of physical quantities, accuracy and precision, and important numbers. Dimensional analysis, S.I. Units: chemical combination laws; Chemical equations and stoichiometry; atomic and molecular masses; mole concept; molar mass; percentage composition; empirical and molecular formulae. |
Unit 2: Atomic Structure |
The shortcomings of the Rutherford and Thomson atomic models; the photoelectric effect and the nature of electromagnetic radiation Atomic hydrogen's spectrum. The postulates of the Bohr model of a hydrogen atom, the derivation of the relations for the energy of the electron and the radii of the various orbits, and the model's constraints The duality of matter and the de Broglie connection. The principle of Heisenberg uncertainty. Concepts fundamental to quantum mechanics, quantum mechanical model of the atom, and key aspects of it. Atomic orbitals as one-electron wave functions conceptualization: Y and Y2 variations with r for the 1s and 2s orbitalsgeometries of s, p, and d – orbitals, electron spin, and spin quantum number; different quantum numbers (principal, angular momentum, and magnetic quantum numbers) and their significance: The Aufbau principle describes how electrons are filled in orbitals. Pauli's exclusion principle and Hund's rule, electronic element arrangement, additional stability of orbitals that are half-filled and fully filled. |
Unit 3: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure |
Kossel – Lewis approach to chemical bond formation, the concept of ionic and covalent bonds. |
Unit 4: Chemical Thermodynamics | The system and surroundings, widespread and intensive properties, state functions, and types of processes are the fundamentals of thermodynamics. Hess's law of continuous heat summation; concepts of work, heat internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity, and molar heat capacity; enthalpies of bond dissociation, combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, hydration, ionization, and solution are all included in the first law of thermodynamics. The DS of the cosmos and the DG of the system serve as conditions for spontaneity in processes, which is the second law of thermodynamics. The equilibrium constant and the standard Gibbs energy change, or DG°. |
Unit 5: Solutions | Various ways to indicate the concentration of a solution, such as molality, molarity, mole fraction, percentage (by both volume and mass); Raoult's Law – Ideal and non-ideal solutions; composition of the vapour pressure; plots for ideal and nonideal solutions; Colligative features of diluted solutions include an increase in boiling point, a decrease in freezing point, a relative decrease in vapour pressure, and an increase in osmotic pressure; molecular mass calculation based on colligative characteristics; The van't Hoff factor, abnormal molar mass, and its importance. |
Unit 6: Equilibrium |
Definition of dynamic equilibrium and equilibrium. Henry's law and the solid-liquid, liquid-gas, and solid-gas equilibria are examples of equilibrium involving physical processes. general properties of physical processes-based equilibrium. equilibrium pertaining to chemical reactions: The law of chemical equilibrium, the importance of the equilibrium constants (Kp and Kc), the role of DG and DG° in chemical equilibrium, and the variables influencing equilibrium concentration, pressure,temperature, the catalyst's impact, and Le Chatelier's theory. Ionic equilibrium includes the following topics: ionization of water, ionization of weak and strong electrolytes, ionization of electrolytes, and different ideas of acids and bases (Arrhenius, Bronsted, Lowry, and Lewis) and their ionization. The solubility of salts and their products that are sparingly soluble, buffer solutions, the common ion effect, the hydrolysis of salts and pH of their solutions, among other things. |
Unit 7: Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry | Concepts related to electronic oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number assignment, and redox reaction balance. Kohlrausch's law and its applications: electrolytic and metallic conduction, conductance in electrolytic solutions, molar conductivities and their variation with concentration. Galvanic and electrolytic cells, various electrode types, electrode potentials (including standard electrode potential), half-cell and cell responses, and the measurement of a galvanic cell's emf are examples of electrochemical cells. applications of Nernst's equation; Gibbs' energy change and cell potential relationship: Fuel cells; lead accumulator and dry cell. |
Unit 8: Chemical Kinetics | Chemical reaction rate; concentration, temperature, pressure, and catalyst; simple and complex reactions; molecularity and order of reactions; rate law; partial and integral forms of zero and first-order reactions; their properties and half-lives; temperature's impact on reaction rate; Arrhenius theory; activation energy and its computation; collision theory of bimolecular gaseous reactions (no derivation). |
Inorganic Chemistry
Units | Topics |
Unit 9: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties | The current shape of the periodic table, the modern periodic rule, the s, p, d, and f block elements, periodic trends in the atomic and ionic radii of the elements, valence, oxidation states, and chemical reactivity are all examples of periodic features of elements. |
Unit 10: p-block elements |
Elements in Groups 13 through 18 Group 15: Nitrogen and phosphorus properties and uses; Allotrophic forms of phosphorus; Ammonia preparation, nitric acid properties, phosphine, and phosphorus halides (PCl3. PCl5); nitrogen and phosphorus oxide and oxoacid structures. |
Unit 11: d- and f-block elements | Transitional ComponentsK2Cr2O7 and KMnO4 preparation, properties, and uses; general introduction; electronic configuration; occurrence and characteristics; general trends in physical properties, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, atomic radii, color; catalytic behavior; magnetic properties; complex formation; interstitial compounds; alloy formation; Alloy formation.Internal Transitional ComponentsElectronic structure, oxidation states, and lanthanoid contraction of lanthanoids.Electronic structure and oxidation states of actinoids. |
Unit 12: Coordination Compounds | Overview of coordination chemicals. Werner's hypothesis; chelation, denticity, coordination number, and ligands; isomerism and the IUPAC nomenclature for mononuclear coordination compounds bonding: the valence bond method and fundamental concepts of color, magnetic characteristics, and crystal field theory; Coordination compounds are important for biological systems, metal extraction, and qualitative analysis. |
Organic Chemistry
Units | Topics |
Unit 13: Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds | Principles and uses of purification: chromatography, distillation, sublimation, differential extraction, and crystallization. Analysis that is qualitative – Identification of halogens, phosphorus, sulfur, and nitrogen. quantitative analysis (limited to fundamental concepts) – Calculating the amounts of phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, and halogens. Computation of molecular and empirical formulas: Numerical issues in quantitative organic analysis |
Unit 14: Some Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry | Carbon tetravalency: Simple molecular shapes – hybridization (s and p): Functional group classification of organic compounds: and those containing halogens, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur; Similar series: Stereoisomerism and structural isomerism.
IUPAC and trivial nomenclature Inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance, and hyperconjugation are the four types of electronic displacement in a covalent bond. |
Unit 15: Hydrocarbons | IUPAC nomenclature, classification, isomerism, generic preparation techniques, characteristics, and reactions.Alkanes – Conformations: Alkane halogenation mechanism: Sawhorse and Newman projections (of ethane).Alkenes – Geometric isomerism: Electrophilic addition mechanism: polymerization and ozonolysis; addition of hydrogen, halogens, water, and hydrogen halides (Markownikoffs and peroxide effect).Alkynes – Acidic nature: Polymerization with the addition of hydrogen, halogens, water, and hydrogen halides.Benzene, aromaticity, structure, and nomenclature of aromatic hydrocarbons: electrophilic substitution mechanism: nitration and halogenation.The functional group's directing influence on the alkylation and acylation of monosubstituted benzene is explained by Friedel-Craft. |
Unit 16: Organic Compounds containing Halogen | general techniques for properties, reactions, and preparation; The nature of the C-X bond and substitution reaction mechanisms. Applications Effects of DDT, iodoform freons, and chloroform on the environment. |
Unit 17: Organic Compounds containing Oxygen | relative reactivities of aldehydes and ketones, C=O group; Significant reactions include the Cannizzaro reaction, oxidation: reduction (Wolf Kishner and Clemmensen), nucleophilic addition reactions (addition of HCN, NH3, and its derivatives), and the acidity of a-hydrogen. Chemical methods to differentiate between aldehydes and ketones include the haloform reaction.Carboxylic Acids Acidity strength and its influencing factors"~">
general preparation techniques, characteristics, reactions, and applications. |
Unit 18: Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen | general techniques for getting ready. Usages, properties, and reactions. Amines: Identification of primary, secondary, and tertiary amines as well as their basic characteristics, nomenclature, and classification scheme. Diazonium Salts: Synthetic Organic Chemistry's Relevance. |
Unit 19: Biomolecules | Overview of the significance of biomolecules. Classification of carbohydrate molecules: glucose and fructose are monosaccharides, while sucrose, lactose, and maltose are constituent monosaccharides of oligosaccharides.PROTEINS – Elementary Idea of a-amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides. Proteins: denaturation of proteins, enzymes, and primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure (qualitative concept only). Classification and functions of vitamins. Nucleic acids are the building blocks of DNA and RNA. Nucleic acids' biological roles |
Unit 20: Principles Related to Practical Chemistry |
Identification of additional elements (such as nitrogen, sulfur, and halogens) in organic compounds; identification of functional groups in organic compounds, such as carboxyl, amino, carbonyl (aldehyde and ketones), and hydroxyl (alcoholic and phenolic). |
JEE Main 2025 Syllabus of Mathematics
Scroll down to the JEE Main 2025 Syllabus of Mathematics, which consists of a total of 16 units covering topics from the standard syllabus of classes 11 and 12.
Units | Topics |
Unit 1: Sets, Relations and Functions | Sets and their representation: algebraic features of sets' union, intersection, and complement; Functions: one-to-one, into, and onto functions; power set; relations; types of relations; equivalency relations; composition of functions |
Unit 2: Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations | Complex numbers represented as sorted real pair Complex number representation in the form of a + ib and its representation on a plane, Triangle inequality, complex number algebra, modulus and argument (or amplitude) of a complex number, complex number square root, Real and complex number system quadratic equations and their answers The nature of roots, the relationship between roots and coefficients, and how quadratic equations with specified roots are formed. |
Unit 3: Matrices and Determinants | Area of triangles utilizing determinants, determinants, determinants, algebra of matrices, types of matrices, determinants, and matrices of order two and three Adjacent, and utilizing determinants and simple transformations to evaluate the inverse of a square matrix, Utilizing determinants and matrices, solve simultaneous linear equations in two or three variables to test consistency. |
Unit 4: Permutation and Combination | The essentials of counting, section on the meaning of P (n,r) and C (n,r), permutation as an arrangement, and combination as a section |
Unit 5: Binomial Theorem and its Simple Applications | Properties of binomial coefficients, general term and middle term, binomial theorem for a positive integral index, and basic applications |
Unit 6: Sequence and Series | the addition of arithmetic and geometric means between two given integers, arithmetic and geometric progressions, The relationship between A.M. and G.M. adds up to n terms in the Sn, Sn2, and Sn3 special series. Geometric-arithmetic progression |
Unit 7: Limit, Continuity and Differentiability | Inverse functions, polynomials, rational, trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, and real-valued functions are all included in the algebra of functions. Simple function graphs. Differentiability, continuity, and limits. differentiation of two functions' product, quotient, difference, and sum. Differentiation of logarithmic, exponential, composite, implicit, inverse, and trigonometric functions; derivatives up to two orders of magnitude; Rolle's and Lagrange's Average amount Theorems and Derivative Applications: Rate of monotonic quantity change Functions that increase and decrease, maxima and minima of tangents, normal, and functions of a single variable. |
Unit 8: Integral Calculus | As the anti-derivative of integral, Basic logarithmic, trigonometric, exponential, and algebraic function integrals. partial functions, by parts, and by substitution integrations. Trigonometric identities are used in integration. Integral as the sum's limit. The properties of definite integrals represent the fundamental theorem of calculus. Assessment of definite integrals, standard form area determination of the regions bounded by simple curves. |
Unit 9: Differential Equations | The structure of differential equations, the order and degree of ordinary differential equations, the method of variable separation for solving differential equations, and the solution of a homogeneous and linear differential equation |
Unit 10: Co-ordinate Geometry |
The structure of differential equations, the order and degree of ordinary differential equations, the method of variable separation for solving differential equations, and the solution of a homogeneous and linear differential equationThe general form of a circle's equation, including its radius and center, is the standard form. sections of conics, equations of conic sections (parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola) in standard forms, condition for Y = mx + c to be a tangent, equation of a circle when the endpoints of a diameter are given, points of intersection of a line and a circle with the center at the origin and condition for a line to be tangent to a circle, equation of the tangent |
Unit 11: Three Dimensional Geometry | The distance between two points, section formula, direction cosines, direction ratios, and coordinates of a point in space are all examples of angles between intersecting lines. Skewed lines, their equation, and the shortest path between them. Different forms of equations for lines and planes, the intersection of lines and planes, and coplanar lines. |
Unit 12: Vector Algebra | Scalars and vectors; vector addition; vector components in two and three dimensions; scalar and vector products; scalar and vector triple product. |
Unit 13: Statistics and Probability | Discretionary measures; determining the mean, median, and mode of grouped and ungrouped data computing the mean, variance, and standard deviation for both grouped and ungrouped data. The probability of an event, the probability of addition and multiplication theorems, Baye's theorem, the probability distribution of a random variate, Bernoulli trials, and binomial distribution are all examples of probability. |
Unit 14: Trigonometry | Properties, heights, and distances of trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, and identities in trigonometry and equations |
JEE Main 2025 Chapter-wise Weightage of Physics
Candidates can check below the chapters, total questions, and weightage from each chapter of the Physics paper.
Chapters | Total Questions | Weightage |
Electrostatics | 1 | 3.30% |
Capacitors | 1 | 3.30% |
Simple Harmonic Motion | 1 | 3.30% |
Sound Waves | 1 | 3.30% |
Elasticity | 1 | 3.30% |
Error in Measurement | 1 | 3.30% |
Circular Motion | 1 | 3.30% |
Electromagnetic Waves | 1 | 3.30% |
Semiconductors | 1 | 3.30% |
Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism | 2 | 6.60% |
Alternating Current | 2 | 6.60% |
Kinetic Theory of Gases & Thermodynamics | 2 | 6.60% |
Kinematics | 2 | 6.60% |
Work, Energy, and Power | 2 | 6.60% |
Laws of Motion | 2 | 6.60% |
Centre Of Mass | 2 | 6.60% |
Rotational Dynamics | 2 | 6.60% |
Modern Physics | 2 | 6.60% |
Wave Optics | 2 | 6.60% |
Current Electricity | 3 | 9.90% |
JEE Main 2025 Chapter-wise Weightage of Chemistry
Candidates can check below the chapters, total questions, and weightage from each chapter of the Chemistry paper.
Chapters | Total Questions | Weightage |
Mole Concept | 1 | 3.30% |
Redox Reactions | 1 | 3.30% |
Electrochemistry | 1 | 3.30% |
Chemical Kinetics | 1 | 3.30% |
Solution & Colligative Properties | 1 | 3.30% |
General Organic Chemistry | 1 | 3.30% |
Stereochemistry | 1 | 3.30% |
Hydrocarbon | 1 | 3.30% |
Alkyl Halides | 1 | 3.30% |
Carboxylic Acids & their Derivatives | 1 | 3.30% |
Carbohydrates, Amino-Acids, and Polymers | 1 | 3.30% |
Aromatic Compounds | 1 | 3.30% |
Atomic Structure | 2 | 6.60% |
Chemical Bonding | 2 | 6.60% |
Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium | 2 | 6.60% |
Solid-State And Surface Chemistry | 2 | 6.60% |
Nuclear & Environmental Chemistry | 2 | 6.60% |
Thermodynamics & the Gaseous State | 2 | 6.60% |
Transition Elements & Coordination Compounds | 3 | 9.90% |
Periodic table, p-Block Elements | 3 | 9.90% |
JEE Main 2025 Chapter-wise Weightage of Mathematics
Candidates can check below the chapters, total questions, and weightage from each chapter of the Mathematics paper.
Chapters | Total Questions | Weightage |
Sets | 1 | 3.30% |
Permutations & Combinations | 1 | 3.30% |
Probability | 1 | 3.30% |
Complex Numbers | 1 | 3.30% |
Binominal Theorem | 1 | 3.30% |
Limits | 1 | 3.30% |
Differentiability | 1 | 3.30% |
Indefinite Integration | 1 | 3.30% |
Definite Integration | 1 | 3.30% |
Differential Equations | 1 | 3.30% |
Height & Distance | 1 | 3.30% |
Trigonometric Equations | 1 | 3.30% |
The Area under the Curve | 1 | 3.30% |
Quadratic Equations | 1 | 3.30% |
Vectors | 1 | 3.30% |
Tangents and Normals | 1 | 3.30% |
Maxima and Minima | 1 | 3.30% |
Statistics | 1 | 3.30% |
Parabola | 1 | 3.30% |
Ellipse | 1 | 3.30% |
Hyperbola | 1 | 3.30% |
Sequences & Series | 2 | 6.60% |
Straight Lines | 2 | 6.60% |
3-D Geometry | 2 | 6.60% |
Determinants | 2 | 6.60% |
JEE Main 2025: How to Get Ready
The JEE Main preparation plan includes past years' JEE Main papers, the greatest study materials, high-quality mock exams, and a study schedule in addition to an overall approach to ace the JEE Main 2025 exam. It is imperative that applicants work and study strategically and adhere to an effective preparation regimen. Reading books, analyzing past JEE Main question papers, and solving them is one of the finest strategies to begin your preparation for JEE Main. Those who study well will be able to gauge the importance of each chapter questioned in the test by consulting previous year's question papers. Planning your preparation may also be aided by listening to the JEE Main Toppers from the previous year.
>Throughout the preparation process, it's critical to have a solid grasp of the JEE Main syllabus. The JEE Main Syllabus is developed using NCERT texts as a basis.
>Make regular revisions and include it in the study schedule.
>Schedule your study time according to the relative importance of the different themes in the JEE Main Question Paper.
>To aid in a speedy review before the test, if at all feasible, make notes for every chapter.
>To gain more experience and comprehend the format of the JEE Main question paper, candidates are required to take many mock exams.
>Remove any ambiguities right away. Keep moving past your doubts. It would be challenging to study more about the issues if your uncertainties are not allayed.
Steer clear of distractions as
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