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Nucleic acids

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Q1. What is the composition of nucleoside?

(a) a sugar + a phosphate
(b) a base + a sugar
(c) a base + a phosphate
(d) a base + a sugar + phosphate

Q2. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) Sugar component of a nucleotide is ribose
(b) Sugar component of a nucleotide is deoxyribose
(c) The bases in nucleotides are attached to a pentose sugar moiety by a glycosidic linkage
(d) The sugar molecule of the nucleotide is in L-configuration

Q3. Which of the following are not the components of RNA?

(a) Thymine
(b) Adenine
(c) Guanine
(d) Cytosine

Q4. Identify the purine base of nucleic acids in the following.

(a) Cytosine
(b) Thymine
(c) Uracil
(d) Adenine

Q5. ATP and GTP are __________

(a) cells
(b) receptors
(c) nucleotides
(d) nucleic acids

Q6. Ribozymes are _____________

(a) cell organelle
(b) enzymes
(c) nucleotide
(d) nucleoside

Q7. Purines and pyrimidines are different molecules.

(a) True
(b) False
(c) -
(d) -

Q8. How many types of nucleotides are present in DNA?

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

Q9. What are the types of nucleic acids are found in living organisms?

(a) deoxyribonucleic acid & nucleotide acid
(b) deoxyribonucleic acid & ribonucleic acid
(c) ribonucleic acid & nucleotide acid
(d) ribonucleic acid & nucleoside acid

Q10. Which monomers compose the strands of nucleic acids?

(a) Amino acids
(b) Ribose
(c) Functional groups
(d) Nucleotides

297 Year Ago

Polysaccharides Have - Linkage.

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Modified 297 Year Ago Jennifer

297 Year Ago

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